Why Wood Floors Are a Healthy Choice
Ever think about how safe the flooring is in your home? When it comes to flooring, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finds that hardwood floors improve indoor air quality, according to the National Wood Flooring Association. In fact, wood floors can significantly improve indoor air quality when compared to other flooring options.
As members of the National Wood Flooring Association, we at Arimar checked in with the experts to bring you reasons why wood and engineered wood flooring make for a healthy choice for your home.
Flooring is one area of the indoor environment where the number of indoor allergens can be controlled. Certain types of flooring, such as carpet, are simply better gathering places for allergens. Small microorganisms, pollen, dust, dust mites, mold, animal dander, and other substances tend to accumulate in carpet fibers.
Other flooring types, such as wood, tend to minimize the accumulation of allergens because there are no fibers to trap these substances. Wood floors don’t trap microorganisms, allergens or pesticides that can be tracked in from outdoors. Hardwood floors minimize the dust, mold and animal dander accumulating, which makes wood floors a healthy option for you, children, pets and everyone who enters your home.
While outdoor allergens can be hard to control, there are ways to minimize the impact of allergens that occur indoors. Frequent dusting, vacuuming, and washing will minimize many indoor allergens, but these activities can stir them up as well. One way to prevent allergens altogether is to eliminate many of the areas where they can gather.
Taking steps to minimize these kinds of allergens can result in improved indoor air quality.